{React, jQuery} = window or global unless React? then throw new Error "Aui: window.React not found." unless jQuery? then console.warn "Aui: window.jQuery not found, Modules and Semantic-UI will be disabled." unless jQuery?.site?.settings?.modules? then console.warn 'Aui: No Semantic-UI found, Semantic will be disabled.'

JSFiddle around with the examples here!


Aui.Mixin is the main wrapper around React Components it recursively goes through all it's children, finding props that === true or are on the Aui.modules list, and merges them into the className of each element.

AuiMixin =

this.$('react ref')

jQuery wraps a React ref <div ref="react ref" /> or jQuery selector this.$('react ref'). This is the intended way to interact with jQuery to supply utility functionality. Warning! Use this only in componentDidMount or event handlers! Do NOT use jQuery to re-arange the dom or you will run into Invarient erros in React, use React to arange your dom ahead of time as React is expecting.

$: (ref) -> jQuery React.findDOMNode @refs[ref] or ref componentWillMount: -> render = @render @render = -> element = render?.apply? @, arguments if React.isValidElement element Aui.classify element else Aui.classify Aui.warning 'Aui.Mixin: Child is not a React.isValidElement', element

(depricated) <Aui/> tag, use Aui.Mixin instead.

Aui = React.createClass mixins: [AuiMixin] render: -> Aui.warning '<Aui/> tag is depricated, use Aui.Mixin instead', @props.children componentDidMount: -> console.warn React.findDOMNode @ Aui.Mixin = Aui.AuiMixin = AuiMixin Aui.Aui = Aui


The instance of jQuery Aui is using, if needed.

Aui.$ = jQuery


finds all the props that === true or are on the Aui.modules list, and merging them with the className prop. Use this inside the render function like a React helper function. Example: Aui.classify(<div ui grid><div column>content</div></div>) returns <div ui grid className="ui grid"><div column className="column">content</div></div>

Aui.classify = (element, options) -> options = AuiOptions options unless React.isValidElement element element = Aui.warning 'Aui.classify: element is not a React.isValidElement', element classify = (element) -> return element unless React.isValidElement element classNames = {} modules = null props = {} if element.props.className? for className in "#{element.props.className}".split /\s+/g classNames[className] = yes for own key, value of element.props classNames[key] = yes if value is yes if (not options.disableModules) and (Array.isArray value) and (key in Aui.modules) classNames[key] = yes modules or= {} modules[key] = value props[key] = value props.className = Object.keys(classNames).join ' ' unless props.className.length delete props.className element = React.cloneElement element, props, if options.ignoreChildren then element.props.children else element.props.children, classify if modules React.createElement Aui.Module, { modules, options }, element else element classify element

Aui.warning('string', element)

console.warn a warning message inside a ReactElement durring a React Component's render function. returns the element wrapped in a warning span. Use inside the render function of a React Component

Aui.warning = (message, element) -> console.warn message, element React.DOM.span { 'data-warning': message }, element Aui.settings =


disables jQuery based Aui.modules from calling

disableModules: not jQuery?


disables recursively calling Aui.classify to props.children.

ignoreChildren: no

(internal) AuiOptions defaults options for Aui.classify

class AuiOptions constructor: (options) -> if options instanceof AuiOptions return options unless @ instanceof AuiOptions return new AuiOptions options options or= {} for own key, value of Aui.settings @[key] = if options[key]? then options[key] else value


A whitelist of jQuery modules. Aui.modules.push('widget') to configure Aui to support $.fn.widget. By default this includes from Semantic-UI. When a property is encountered on a ReactElement that matches this whitelist and is an Array, the corisponding window.jQuery.fn[modulename] will be called with the property's array value. This is mostly intended for use with Semantic-UI's javascript, but in theory could be used to call any $.fn function.

Aui.modules = (jQuery?.site?.settings?.modules or []).slice()

internal global cache of options passed to module functions.

cache = {}

(internal) <Aui.Module/> This class provides support for Aui.modules internally and generally is not used directly. <Aui.Module/> handles calling jQuery.fn[module] calls when used inside a React Component's render. <div ui checkbox={[]}/> will automatically call $.fn.checkbox(), and <form ui form={[{...}]}></form> will automatically call $.fn.form({...})

Aui.Module = React.createClass render: -> React.Children.only @props.children componentDidMount: -> @callModules @props.children.props componentWillReceiveProps: (props) -> @callModules props.children.props callModules: (props) -> $element = jQuery React.findDOMNode @ @id = $element.attr 'data-reactid' cache[@id] or= {} for own module, options of @props.modules stringifiedOptions = JSON.stringify options if cache[@id][module] isnt stringifiedOptions cache[@id][module] = stringifiedOptions $element[module]? @props.children.props[module]... return componentWillUnmount: -> delete cache[@id] window?.Aui = Aui module?.exports = Aui